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With our previous firms we would have never known we didn't owe the 13k. We would have received the bill, paid it, and just assumed it was part of doing business.

Auto Repair Shop

This client came to us after having moved bookkeeping firms every year or two seeking a firm that could handle their needs. We identified significant inaccuracies in their books and cleaned up six figures in erroneous entries. With accurate books the client was able to obtain financing to expand from one location to four locations and purchase a physical shop for their largest location. With the purchase of the physical shop we were able to identify over $40,000 in tax savings in one year. We resolved over $13,000 in payroll tax errors from their third party payroll company and negotiated a full reimbursement from the payroll company for our invoice. With our help they hired an internal bookkeeping team and implemented internal controls that protected them from employee theft.


Small business owners are masters at juggling different roles.  As an entrepreneur you have worn more hats in one week than the average employee does in ten years.  You're juggling marketing, product innovation, staffing, and finances.  Chances are you are probably feeling the pressure of being pulled in so many different directions.  You started your business to get freedom, freedom from the 9 to 5 workweek and financial freedom.  We believe that your business should provide you with that and more.  But as an entrepreneur you are probably spending more time managing your finances than you are working on your business.  Maybe you've managed to hire an outsourced CFO only to be disappointed in their performance.  Maybe you use a tax professional, but they don't spend time explaining how you can save in taxes.  That's why we're here - to take care your business's financials and allow you to focus on growing your business into exactly what you want.    Because...


We Get You Back to Doing What You Love


Before we switched to you we’d show up to our meetings with our CFO company and all they would have was questions and nothing of real value for us. We show up to our meetings with you and you have helpful insight and suggestions. We wouldn’t have been able to grow like this without you.

ECommerce Store

An ecommerce store joined our client base when they were struggling to get real insight from their fractional CFO. We reorganized their reporting system and began calculating relevant KPIs. We identified additional seasonal shifts in their business that were creating inventory shortages and bottlenecking their sales. After correcting their inventory issues their sales have more than doubled. Once their sales bottleneck was corrected we worked on cash flow plans for developing new products. We managed their budget and subsequent changes to their development costs during the development period. We are now tracking their return on investment and helping them indentify their highest performing segments so they know where to continue to reinvest. This company has more than quadrupled their bottom line.








We love having someone on our team who can see the whole picture. Not just the bookkeeping, not just the tax - but how it all works together and how we can save money.

Cattle & Agritourism Operation

Cattle Farm

This client came to us after having experienced significant financial theft from their internal team. They chose to outsource their bookkeeping and cash control to our firm. We eliminated unauthorized transactions and identified a significant payroll issue from a third party payroll provider that was audited. We worked with the IRS to bring the amount owed from five figures to less than $1,500. We also identified a sales tax issue and facilitated the client’s enrollment into a voluntary disclosure program to prevent the state from opening an audit on the sales tax at a later date. We then assisted the client in drastically reducing their expenses and increasing their sales while also helping them present the company to lenders to help them get a cash infusion to reorganize their company.

Wheat Field


We love working with a variety of small business owners.  Our specialty lies in business taxation and the taxation of business owners along with cash flow management and growth strategies.  Our passion lies in helping our clients grow their business, increase their bottom line, and legally reduce their tax liability.  We work with 6 figure clients up to 8 & 9 figure clients in a variety of industries.  From preparing taxes for a business that has been running like a well oiled machine to stepping into a business with tax delinquencies, a history of theft and problematic bookkeeping, and cash flow problems.  We love working with business owners to help them solve their unique financial problems and get them on track to increase their bottom line and reduce their taxes.

Climbing a Ladder

I feel so much better after our meetings. It makes me feel like I understand what is happening with my finances and with my business. I’m so happy we hired you!

Roofing Contractor

A roofing company came to us without a real bookkeeping or tax system in place. They had elected to be treated as a S Corporation, but did not understand all of the requirements. We got them set up on a monthly bookkeeping plan and then began tackling some of their cash flow issues. We helped them implement a new quoting and invoicing system and establish an easier to track payment recording system. We took them from incorrectly paying their workers to having a payroll system that runs like clockwork. They now save money for taxes and don't have any surprise tax bills. They've succcessfully gone from a net loss to a net profit in the mid six figures.



101 S Fountain Ave

Springfield, OH 45502







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I knew I underbid some jobs, but this is eye opening... wow!

General Contractor

Men at Work

A general contractor came to us unsure if his books were accurate. His profit and loss was showing less profit than he felt it should have. He had more than doubled his revenue from the prior year, but his bottom line hadn’t come close to doubling. We cleaned up his books and helped him establish best practices and written operating procedures for his bookkeeping. After examining his books we identified significant underbidding on his projects and missed expenses when job costing. We pulled industry benchmarks and standards to help him measure his job performance compared to the industry and to help him properly bid on jobs. He was able to decrease his workload while increasing his bottom line.

©2022 by Marietti Accounting Services LLC

We do not meet the definition of a public accounting firm in the state of Ohio and do not provide assurance services

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